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Acara & Pesta

Menyelenggarakan acara dan pesta di Menumbing Heritage Hotel, Pangkal Pinang, akan membuat perayaan Anda luar biasa. Hotel di Pulau Bangka dengan arsitektur yang memukau ini adalah venue pilihan untuk acara kecil hingga resepsi pernikahan.



IDR Rp. 110 ++ 1 Soup, 2 Main Dishes (Beef, Chicken or Seafood), 1 Vegetable, 1 Starch, 2 Dessert (Buah Potong + Choice)
IDR Rp. 130 ++ 1 Soup, 3 Main Dishes (Beef, Chicken or Seafood), 1 Vegetable, 1 Starch, 2 Dessert (Buah Potong + Choice)
IDR Rp. 150 ++ 1 Soup, 3 Main Dishes (Beef, Chicken or Seafood), 1 Vegetable, 1 Starch, 2 Dessert (Buah Potong + Choice), 1 Stalls





Fried Spicy Potatoes Wedges
Fried Spicy Pootatoes Wedges
Pasta Pomodoro
Fried Coated French Fries
Macaroni With Cheese and Smoked Beef
Tossed Macaroni with Alfredo Sauce
Tossed Pasta Fusili with Alfredo Sauce



Nasi Putih
Nasi Goreng Menumbing
Bihun Goreng
Soun Goreng
Bakmi Goreng



Fried Glass Noodle with Ear Mushroom
Bakmi Goreng Seafood
Fried Udon Noodle
Steamed Jasmine Rice
Fried E Fue Noodle with Seafood
Fried Rice with Salted Fish
Pine Apple Fried Rice

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